Mullican | Hart

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Long-term Care Facility Liability Defense

Mullican | Hart is widely regarded as experts in the overly-complex maze of statutes and regulations that govern the long-term care industry. Indeed, long-term care facilities are subject to more rules than any other health care institution.

We’ve committed decades to successfully and aggressively defending these centers in hundreds of cases in every facet of long-term care facility defense. We've successfully handled all aspects of alleged wrongful death, abuse, neglect, medical device use, mistreatment with administrative actions and regulatory inquiries involving state licensing boards for nursing professionals or administrative staff.

We know when it is best to embark upon an alternative dispute resolution path. Our proficiency in alternative dispute resolution is equal to our ability to defend clients in the courtroom aggressively. We're committed to helping the long-term care industry manage their risk and minimize their exposure by regularly consulting with facilities to ensure compliance with the myriad of regulations in this area. 

We're available for a consultation regarding any claims made against a nursing home, nursing home employee and deficiencies received in a survey or any inquiry regarding the litigation's aspects of a facility's operation. For unparalleled legal expertise and top-quality service, contact Mullican | Hart today.


Contact Mullican | Hart

We are ready at a moment's notice to be on scene to assist corporate clients when an event occurs. For unparalleled legal expertise and highest-quality professional service, contact Mullican | Hart today.



Office Location:
15 E. Fifth Street, Suite 2200
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103


Office Number:
(918) 794-6500
Email Us:

Business Hours

Mon - Friday: 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Closed Weekends