Mullican | Hart


Railroad Defense

MullicanlHart has over 75 collective years of experience defending railroads and are proud to specialize in offering a full suite of services to one of the oldest, most complex, yet most dynamic and relevant industries in our country.

The firm provides ongoing strategic counsel to some of the nation's largest railroads, as well as several short lines, involving a wide array of issues and areas affecting their core operations, including:

  • Crossing defense

  • Claims under the Federal Employers Liability Act (PELA)

  • Environmental matters

  • Property disputes

  • Emergency response

  • All other areas of railroad operation including matters before state and federal regulatory agencies, such as the Oklahoma Corporation Commission

MullicanlHart partners have defended clients in hundreds of cases on behalf of railroads involving damages in the tens of millions for death, catastrophic brain damage, coma, loss of limb and paralysis. They have responded to some of the most serious crossing accidents and derailments clients have faced in recent times and consistently get desired results. In short, it's highly unlikely there is a legal issue in the railroad industry with which they have not had experience.

MullicanlHart often assists its clients in cases in which they. are not directly involved. They are often called upon to assist in the preparation of witnesses and corporate designees for depositions and trial testimony. Their experience is widely known and they are respected as cutting-edge litigators familiar with the latest techniques utilized by plaintiffs' attorneys.

Railroad Environmental Experience

With regard to its outstanding environmental experience, the firm has represented its railroad clients in state and federal courts regarding numerous environmental matters, including such complex cases as the Tar Creek Superfund and the Blackwell Zinc Smelter sites and some involving hundreds of plaintiffs and claims in excess of$2 billion.

GO-TEAM Capabilities

The lawyers are ready at a moment's notice to be on scene to assist railroad clients when an accident occurs. Sadly, today most railroads know that they must begin preparing for litigation in the earliest moments after an accident. Many clients rely upon MullicanlHart to be there to offer legal guidance and assistance from the outset. Further, MullicanlHart has professional relationships with numerous persons with the expertise to assist clients in documenting scenes and investigating accidents.

Many of the firm’s attorneys are members of the National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel.


Contact Mullican | Hart

We are ready at a moment's notice to be on scene to assist corporate clients when an event occurs. For unparalleled legal expertise and highest-quality professional service, contact Mullican | Hart today.



Office Location:
15 E. Fifth Street, Suite 2200
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103


Office Number:
(918) 794-6500
Email Us:

Business Hours

Mon - Friday: 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Closed Weekends